
Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 9.48.15 PM


HWCF Hoodies:

Today is the last day to pre-order our new HWCF Hoodies! For the pre-order the hoodies will be $45 and after that they will be $55. We will not be ordering many extras, so please pre-order if you are interested! You can pre-order the hoodies HERE. For those of you who have already pre-ordered. Please double check and make sure your name and size are correct.

This Week’s Schedule:

  • Olympic Lifting meets Thursday @ 6:30PM & Saturday @ 12:00PM (Please note, our regular CrossFit classes DO NOT meet at this time)
  • Open Gym is on Sunday from 10AM-12PM (Please note, Open Gym COUNTS as one of your weekly classes. If you exceed your 3 classes/wk, there is an additional charge for the extra class – including open gym)

A. Back Squat: 4×4 (2 min rest) (+5#)
B. BB Good Mornings: 3×10 @ 40×0 Tempo (+5#)


10 min AMRAP:

  • 5 Hang Squat Clean (155/115 or 65% 1RM)
  • 5 Burpee Box Jumps (20/16)
  • 200m Run

Walking Split Squats: 4×12 (6 each leg)

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