Happy Thanksgiving! As a reminder, there is class today @ 8AM! Join us before you feast! Below is a reminder of our limited schedule for the rest of the week.
Thanksgiving Schedule:
- Thursday 11/28: 8AM class, Open Gym From 9AM-10AM — HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
- Friday 11/29: GYM CLOSED
- Saturday 11/30: 10AM, 11AM
- Sunday 12/1: GYM CLOSED
Deadlift: (90 sec rest) (5th set is an AMRAP, stop 2 reps shy of failure)
- 1×5 @ 55%
- 1×5 @ 62.5%
- 3×10 @ 67.5%
Teams of 3 (one works, two rest)
2 Rounds:
- 1500 M row (different athlete every 250)
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Thrusters (95/65)