

  • Olympic Lifting meets tomorrow @ 12PM
  • Yoga meets Sunday @ 12:30PM
  • Good luck to Carolyn, Owen, and Farah as they compete in the Icebox Classic this weekend at CrossFit 155 in Mundelein. Carolyn competes as an individual this Saturday, and Farah/Owen compete as a team on Sunday. Events start around 9AM (ish) both days. Come out to cheer on your fellow HWCF athletes!

With a running clock:
Front Squat: Perform 5 reps every 2:00min (3 Rounds)
On minute 8:00,
Deadlift: Perform 5 reps every 2:00min (3 Rounds)


3 Rounds:

  • 12 Clean & Jerks
  • 250m Run
  • 10 TTB

*Rest as needed between rounds
*Record fastest and slowest rounds

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