

2nd Anniversary Party

Tomorrow night @ 8PM, we are having our 2 Year Anniversary Party at Norse Bar (6334 N Clark St.)! We invite all members (current or past), family, and friends to join us. We will be providing some BBQ. No workout…we’re just looking forward to some fun, food, and drinks!


Our next Foundations Class meets tomorrow 11/8/14 @ 9AM. Remember the Foundations Program is free to all HWCF athletes and does NOT count towards one of your weekly classes. They are a technique-only class, great for both new and more experienced athletes.

Open Gym:

Open gym this Sunday is CANCELLED. We anticipate too much fun being had at the Anniversary Party!

New Retail Space:

You have probably noticed the new retail space in the lounge area at the gym. If you want to purchase an item, simply write down who you are/what you bought/how many of them you bought and we will charge the purchase to the CC we have on file.


A. EMOM for 8 mins

  • 2 Front Squat @ 1010 Tempo (+5#)

B. Snatch Grip RDL: 4×4-6 @ 50×1 Tempo (+5#)


10 min AMRAP:

  • Snatch (squat) (120/75 or 70% 1RM)
  • Double Unders

A. Strict Press: 4×4
B. GHD Sit Ups: 3×10

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