


Today marks the beginning of our new strength program. Wendler’s 531 will give us the general template. The focus of the program will be on improving strength on the back squat, deadlift, bench press, press, and weighted pull up. It is very important for you to get your strength work in for each of these lifts every week (if you want to get stronger). If you have been training consistently for more than one year and are making strength a priority, you should try to complete the extra work that is posted each class.

New Olympic Lifting Class!
For the next 4 weeks we will be rolling out an olympic lifting program for those competing in the Monster Series in Wisconsin and anyone that wants to get better at the snatch and clean and jerk. Classes will meet on Thursday at 6:30PM and Saturday at 9:00AM (or 12:00PM on Foundations weekends). Just to be clear, for the next four weeks we won’t be offering a general crossfit class at 6:30PM. So, if you show up to workout at the 6:30PM class, you will only be working on the Olympic lifts. We will see how this works. If the class is popular, we may extend the program and add more classes to the schedule.

Back Squat:
60% – 75% – 85%
*Base %s of Training Max (Training Max  = 90% 1RM)


8 min AMRAP:

  • 200m Run
  • 10 Strict Ring Rows (1 legless rope climb)
Post WOD:

Extra Strength Work:
Deadlift: 4×10 @ 65% Training Max (TM)

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