
CPA Housing Volunteer Day:

Tomorrow is the day! Meet at the gym at 8:00AM to carpool to the house we will be working on, or meet us there by the 8:30AM start time. Address is 1324 Hartrey Ave, Evanston IL 60201. This opportunity is open to everyone. If you have friends or family interested, please bring them along! After volunteering, we will get in a quick workout and grab some food. It should be a great day!

Saturday’s Schedule:

Due to the CPA Housing Volunteer Event, the 11AM CrossFit class is cancelled tomorrow. Saturday’s schedule is as follows:

  • 9AM – Olympic Weightlifting
  • 10AM – CrossFit

A. Deadlift: 5-3-1+
75% – 85% – 95% (of Training Max)
B. Strict Press: 5-3-1+
75% – 85% – 95% (of TM)


For Time:

  • 21 Ring Dips
  • 50 Double Unders
  • 400m Run
  • 15 Ring Dips
  • 25 Double Unders
  • 400m Run
  • 9 Ring Dips

Back Squat: 3-4×10 (75% of TM) (2 min rest)

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