

Olympic Lifting meets tonight at 6:30PM


Make Up Strength


4 Rounds:
400m run on the 3 minutes

Oly Programming:

Snatch: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, (80% x 2) x 3
Clean & Jerk:  50% x 3+1, 60% x 3+1, 70% x 3+1, (80% x 3+1) x 3

Olympic Weightlifting Meet at Chicago Strength:

Chicago Strength (CrossFit Construct) will be hosting the First Annual Chicago Open on September 27, 2014. For those of you who have been working through the Oly program here, we highly encourage you to sign up for this meet! Only 90 spots are available, and they will fill up quickly. More information can be found here.

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