
  • CrossFit Level 2
  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer
  • CrossFit Scaling
  • CrossFit Anatomy
  • CrossFit Programming


Ozzie was on the Evanston Township High School basketball team in 1975. As was common in the era he grew up in, he spent his entire youth as an athlete playing all sports; baseball, basketball, football and even hockey. Basketball was his favorite. Mostly all of the athletics were “play”, for fun.

He remained athletically active even as he pursued his career as a professional rock pianist. Also, formerly a teaching staff member at the Old Town School of Folk Music.

Move ahead 35 years or so, sore calves and all, and we see the fitness-crazed 58 year old. Ozzie specializes in helping people through exercise, diet, and a peaceful mind and spirit, to discover their “will to be fit”.

Ozzie started his fitness journey 7 years ago at Evanston Ultfit, and after 4 years began to teach classes there. Ozzie has a passion for teaching and an obsessive nature that that goes along with his belief in the concept of striving for perfection and virtuosity. Those are concepts that unite his musical ability and his fitness life. Ozzie likes to emphatically say, ‘“if anyone tells you cannot get stronger as you get older, they are wrong.” Ozzie believes in being fit over 50.

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