CrossFit Open Kickoff
This Friday, 2/17, at 6:30PM we will be holding our CrossFit Open Kickoff. Please register for the CrossFit Open by Friday at 5PM (REGISTER HERE). All athletes participating in the Open will be split into (4) teams, which will be announced on Friday evening. We’ll then run heats of our Open Kickoff WOD to finish the night out.
The CrossFit Open Kickoff WOD will be announced Thursday night at 7:00PM.
Our regular Friday night classes will be canceled throughout the Open (2/17 to 3/24). During these weeks the Friday night schedule will be:
- 5:30PM – Open Gym/Warm up for Open WOD
- 6:30PM – Open WOD
A1. Weighted Push Ups: 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
A2. DB Row: 10RM, then-20% for 2×10
Conditioning (Test):
8 min AMRAP:
- 10 HSPU
- 15 Power Clean (165/115)
8 min AMRAP:
- 10 Strict Press (70% 1RM)
- 30 KBS (53/35)