- SFH will be in TONIGHT sampling products from 5:30PM – 8:30PM! Be sure to check out some of their products before or after your workout, and let us know what you’d like to see us carry at Hardware CrossFit
- CrossFit Open – First workout is announced this week! There are 21 people already registered. Join us as we complete these workouts on Saturdays! If you can’t make it to class on Saturday, don’t worry. We will make sure you get the Open WOD done during the week!
1 1/4 Back Squat: 4×6
5 Rounds:
- 1 min AMRAP RKBS (70/55)**
- 1 min Rest
Perform 10 burpees for every round you are unable to complete 30 RKBS in the 1:00 of work
No burpee penalty. The goal is quality reps with a challenging weight.