

  • We are completing Open WOD 15.1 today. Hopefully you all have signed up for a heat here. If not, no worries, please show up and we will assign you a heat. Throughout the Open, Saturdays won’t be the typical 10AM/11AM class style. We will hold a workout briefing and group warmup at 10AM, but beyond that, warmups must be done on your own. We will post a suggested warm up each week.
  • Today: 10AM – Warmup/Workout standards briefing. 15.1 heats begin at 10:20 and run every 20 mins.
  • Olympic Lifting will meet today at 12PM
  • Yoga is cancelled tomorrow. It will resume next Sunday, 2/8.

9 min AMRAP:

  • 15 TTB
  • 10 Deadlift (115/75)
  • 5 Snatch (115/75)

then, immediately following:
6 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk

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