

Starting this week, Thursday’s 6:00AM, 9:00AM, 5:30PM and 7:30PM class will focus on skill development in various areas of CrossFit. 6:30PM class will be olympic lifting. For those that are reasonably self sufficient and would like to make up work from previous training days (Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday), will be able to do so on their own on Thursday.
Basically, you will have two options if you stop in on Thursday:

  • Attend a structured class and focus on developing skills with a CF coach.


  • Use Thursday as an open gym and make up work you missed from earlier in the week without the direct supervision of a coach.

Back Squats: 4×8 (+5# from last week)
**Sets start every 2:30


For Time:

  • 50 Thrusters (95/65)
  • 50 Pull ups

*EMOM Perform 3 Burpees.

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