#1 – 2nd Anniversary Party
Save the date! We will be having our 2nd Anniversary Party on Saturday, November 8th at 8PM! We will be celebrating at Norse Bar (6334 N. Clark Street). We plan to get some food catered in (BBQ perhaps?), and plan to get some BBQ catered in. Bring friends and family!
#3 – Lost & Found
Please check lost & found (in the big tire). All items will be donated today.
#3 – Foundations Schedule
There is no Foundations class today. The next class will meet next Saturday, 11/8/14 @ 9AM.
Push Jerk: 15 mins to find 1RM
- Cleans (135/95)
- Ring Dips
*This is for the leaderboard please grab a judge if you’d like the opportunity.
Weighted Pull Ups: 4×4 (+5#)