
CrossFit Open:

It’s the last Saturday of the Open. We will run heats of the workout in place of the usual 10AM & 11AM classes today. We are limited by rowers with this workout, so those signed up for the Open have priority over those. Please sign up for a heat in advance. Those signed up for the Open, please grab a “blue lane.” Those not signed up for the Open, expect to run in place of rowing, and please sign up in a “grey lane” on the google doc.
HWCF – 15.5 Heat Sign Ups

  • BBQ today @ 12:30PM. Friends and family are encouraged to join us! Bring yourself some drinks, and a dish to share if you’re feeling wild!
  • Olympic Lifting class will be cancelled today, however if you were planning on coming in, you are more than welcome to lift until 1PM!
  • Open gym tomorrow from 10AM – 12PM with Tommy D.! Followed up by Yoga at 12:30 with Melissa D.!


  • Row for Calories
  • Thrusters (95/65 Rx) (65/45 scaled)

For those not doing the Open:
For Time:

  • 800m Run
  • 27 Thrusters
  • 600m Run
  • 21 Thrusters
  • 400m Run
  • 15 Thrusters
  • 200m Run
  • 9 Thrusters

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