
Blood Donation:

We are deeply saddened by the shootings in Orlando this past weekend. The attack, while hundreds of miles away, was an attack on our community and friends. It just as well could have happened to any one of us.
In times like these, no action feels adequate, but we’d like to do what we can to help our community.
It may be a small gesture, but all Hardware CrossFit members who donate blood by next Friday 6/24 will receive a free Hardware CrossFit t-shirt (new shirts arriving shortly!). Get out there and donate. Let’s do what we can.


12 mins to complete the following:

  • 1 Snatch Grip Deadlift
  • 1 Hang Snatch Pull
  • 1 Snatch Pull (from floor)
  • 1 Snatch

Find max weight for the complex, then -10% for 3 sets

Conditioning (Practice):

5 Rounds:

  • 5 STO (65%+)
  • 20 Alternating Lunges (10 each leg)
  • 20 Sit Ups

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