Welcome to the Holidays! Thanks to Farah for decorating!
Schedule Reminders:
- Olympic Lifting meets Thursday @ 6:30PM
- This Saturday’s Olympic Lifting class is cancelled, as athletes will be participating in a “Max Out Day” at CrossFit Construct at noon!
- Foundations meets this Saturday @ 9AM
- Yoga meets this Sunday @ 12:30PM
In 15 mins complete an AMRAP of:
- Strict Press (75%)
- Strict Weighted Pull Ups (75%)
Work to complete the following tasks (in order) within the specified time domain (listed below):
- 50 KBS (70/55)
- 50 Thrusters (95/65)
- 50 Burpees
Time Domain:
5 Rounds:
- 1:00min Work
- 1:30min Rest