Schedule Reminders:
- Olympic Lifting meets tonight @ 6:30PM
- This Saturday’s Olympic Lifting class is cancelled, as athletes will be participating in a “Max Out Day” at CrossFit Construct at noon!
- Foundations meets this Saturday @ 9AM
- Yoga meets this Sunday @ 12:30PM
Christmas Schedule:
- Monday 12/22 & Tuesday 12/23 – Normal Schedule
- Wednesday 12/24 – 6AM, 9AM, 10AM CrossFit Classes, Open Gym from 11AM – 12PM.
- Thursday 12/25 – No Classes – Gym Closed
- Friday 12/26 – 9AM, 10AM CrossFit Classes
- Saturday 12/27 – 10AM, 11AM (OLY is cancelled)
- Sunday 11/28 – Open Gym from 10AM – 12PM
Make Up Strength
3 Rounds:
- 250m Row
- 10 Burpees Over Rower
- 20 V Ups
- Rest as Needed
*Record fastest and slowest times