

Saturday OLY Class is Canceled

We will be back to our regular Thurs/Sat schedule next week!

Beach WOD 2016

Save the Date! Beach WOD 2016 will be on Saturday, July 30th! Details to follow.

A1. Rope Climb: 3 x 20-45 seconds  (legless or with legs; record your ascents)
A2. Strict HSPU: 3xME (Regional standard or w/ parallettes)
A1. Ring rows 3xME (your goal is 5-12; stop 2 reps shy of failure)
A2. Strict press: 3xME @ 70%  (stop 2 reps shy of failure) increase the weight if you got more than 10 reps last week
*do this if you can’t climb the rope or you can’t do 3 strict HSPUs
Conditioning (Competition):

12 min ARMAP:

  • 10 Front Squats (135/95)
  • 400m Run (Round up to the nearest 50m)

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