Tuesday 2/20/24


CYCLE NOTES: Week 2 working set should start to feel heavy, and therefore we need to slow it down and focus on breathing, and treating each rep individually. Remember, if you got 10 or more reps in your max effort set in week 1, you need to recalculate your training max.  Also like yesterday, the Metcon feeds the strength work in providing volume for the posterior chain via KBS. It also gives everyone the opportunity to put your jumprope skill work to use in a workout.



Deadlift WENDLER Week 2 (15:00)

3 @ 70% of training max

3 @ 80%

1 Max Effort @ 90%

2×6 @ 60%



4 Rounds For Time


40 Double Unders



Foam Roll Calves & Glutes

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